This year is quickly coming to an end. I remember coming in September 2014 to Thurgood Marshall Academy. I was excited that is was my last year in this school and ready to graduate. This year has also been very busy with schoolwork, picking colleges, applying to colleges and filling out applications. This year has also been fun and filled with memories from senior trip, senior night out and all senior activities. Now with only a few days/weeks left i'm ready to graduate and receive my diploma. June 25th is soonly approaching and I still have some unfinished business at TMA. I know when I graduate I will make my parents, family, friends, and teachers proud and i will be ready to graduate. When i leave Thurgood Marshall Academy I will leave memories and lessons to take with me. I've been attending Thurgood Marshall Academy since 7th grade that's a total of 6 years. And now as i leave i leave with my head held high and a big smile on my face. As Malcolm X says “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”. I think this quote represents me and my growth. It is really a uplifter and whenever I start to slack off or get lazy I go to that quote. Its a reminder to not give up because education is my passport to my future. I will always remember Thurgood Marshall Academy along with all my teachers. Now my countdown begins 42 regular days (including weekends) until graduation. CLASS OF 2015!!
Nicole's Blogs
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Senior Conference 2015
Today is April 15,2015 there was a SAT at our school that juniors had to take so all other grades had to be out of the building because of testing. The seniors trip was to Abyssinian church to attend a senior conference. This was the first senior conference ever to take place in the history of Thurgood Marshall Academy for Learning and Social Change. It was a nice event we started off with breakfast then we had a keynote speaker by the name of Justice Milton A. Tingling he was a good speaker and encouraged me to register for voting. He gave out advice, asked us questions, as well as give us voter registration cards to mail out because every vote counts. They also had three different sessions for us to go to, we were able to pick what sessions we wanted to participate in and we had a variety to pick from. The three I picked were identity in college, sexual health for young women, and ways to beat freshman fifteen. The identity in college was about how to transition into college and post high school life. Sexual health for young women was about a small group answering sex health questions and go ver myths as well as sex life in college. Ways to beat the freshman fifteen was about how to not put on fifteen or more pounds while in college because of stress and lack of sleep. All the sessions were helpful and I was able to take what i learned today with me to help me in college and life overall.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Ms. Hegemans Class
In my third period class which Is Ms. Hegeman we are learning about the play "Midsummers Nights Dream". The play is basically a comedy port the events surrounding the marriage of the Duke of Athens, Theseus, and Hippolyta. We started reading the first act and having a teacher come out to help us with understanding the play. We would do certain activities that involves movement and role play, we sit in a circle and we get to learn about this play. So far the play is ok but some words, quotes and terms could be confusing. But in class we do a cold reading where everyone in the class takes turns and reads a line from the play. And we also read it a second time and all the words, terms and quotes we don't understand gets clarified the second time we read. We are enrolled in this program and later on after we read it we will go to BAM ( Brooklyn Academy of Music) and present it there. I like comedy's so I think I can get into plays because I don't really enjoy reading plays the only play I enjoyed was "Othello" by William Shakespeare. "Midsummers Nights Dream" is written by William Shakespeare also so hopefully ill enjoy it. When it comes to presenting it to the Brooklyn Academy of Music it is bittersweet because its interesting and sounds fun to do but it can also be nerve wracking. Ms. Hegeman said she would take volunteers but I don't know I might or might not do it its a 50 50 chance.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Self Slected Response
There are many quotes in the world today, there are some encouraging, loving, inspiring,enlightening, motivational and others. My sixth grade teacher gave us a quote to take with us everywhere we go day by day. The quote is by Norman Vincent Peale and it reads “Shoot for the moon even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.” This quote means always try and do your best because you will always succeed. I learned from this quote not give up and to always reach higher and higher. This quote is very inspirational especially during this hectic senior year. I will take the advice of my sixth grade teacher and continue to walk day by day with this quote not only through high school and college but for the rest of my life.
- I thank my teacher Ms. Smith
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Vocabulary Sentences
1.The parapet in front of Ms. Hegeman's window keeps the janitors from falling off.
2. I traversed times square on new years day.
3. When my friend went skiing she chafed her leg.
4. I had to hastily finish my my test because i only had five minutes left.
5. My history teacher taught me that Abraham Lincoln believed that slaves should be emancipated.
6. My teachers are brazen when it comes to giving us homework.
7. My sister divulged her Facebook password.
8. While presenting to the class I was asked to reiterate a sentence.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Free write
First off let me start by saying happy New Year!! its finally 2015 i've been waiting for this year because this is the year i graduate. So far my year is going well and I cant wait to graduate. This is the year I go to college is bittersweet for me. Last year wasn't the best year for me but I know this year is going to be a great one. I'm coming into this new year leaving 2014 behind and saying hello to a new year
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Self Selected Response
I logged onto my computer and went to Google so that I can start my homework. When I went on Goggle popped up onto my screen and a interesting title appeared. "What Texting Does To Your Spine (OMG!)" and i said this seems interesting because I text and I know that many teenagers in this society as well as young adults text too much. The article said that According to a new study in Surgical Technology International, craning the neck over a cell phone to text, tweet, or check Facebook can exert an extra 60 pounds of weight on the head of an adult, leading to potential spinal problems. Reading this was very interesting and to me because I know people who send hundreds of thousands of texts a week. The article also said Most people spend two to four hours a day on phones and other tech gadgets (that includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat,YouTube, and ect) , resulting in at least an extra 700 to 1,400 hours of stress on the neck and spine each year. I don't text a lot and try not to because I know it is a distraction and i'm happy I don't because of reading this article. Now I will be very mindful when I use my cell phone and electronic devices that have my neck craning and I hope you do to.

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