I logged onto my computer and went to Google so that I can start my homework. When I went on Goggle Yahoo.com popped up onto my screen and a interesting title appeared. "What Texting Does To Your Spine (OMG!)" and i said this seems interesting because I text and I know that many teenagers in this society as well as young adults text too much. The article said that According to a new study in Surgical Technology International, craning the neck over a cell phone to text, tweet, or check Facebook can exert an extra 60 pounds of weight on the head of an adult, leading to potential spinal problems. Reading this was very interesting and to me because I know people who send hundreds of thousands of texts a week. The article also said Most people spend two to four hours a day on phones and other tech gadgets (that includes Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat,YouTube, and ect) , resulting in at least an extra 700 to 1,400 hours of stress on the neck and spine each year. I don't text a lot and try not to because I know it is a distraction and i'm happy I don't because of reading this article. Now I will be very mindful when I use my cell phone and electronic devices that have my neck craning and I hope you do to.
URL: https://www.yahoo.com/health/what-texting-does-to-your-spine-omg-102970245552.html

I saw this article too! It's not just when you're texting, but also if you are playing games or googling, you can hurt your neck.